Small L House with Gated Yard

I found an image for this build on one of the Minecraft related forums. I am not sure what it is called, but I really like it. It is an L-shaped house that is really small, but as you can see, it has a large fenced in yard! 

Front view of the property showing the entrance gate, yard, and house entry. I added the Netherrack so it can be a tiki torch of a BBQ.

Front side view of house

 This is the first back wall view. It shows the windows, the room divider, and the two different roof levels. The roof is all Oak 1/2 blocks.

 This is the other back wall that connects to the yard. It shows the decorative glass in the walls that are part of the yard enclosure.

 Here is the entire house! Small but somewhat functional, unless you are an item hoarder! If so, you may want to consider a basement.